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I design & produce games at Epic Games.

[Systems and Core Gameplay Design]

My specialties and experience as a designer are in systems and core gameplay, including inventories, collectables, combat gameplay, diegetic systems, and more. I enjoy analyzing problems that arise during development in areas of balance and user interaction and finding fun solutions that push our projects forward.


[ Visual Scripting and C-Family Languages ]

I have experience working across all areas of Unreal Engine 4, particularly through UMG Widgets, vector math/3D action scripting, and C++ data definitions and structures. I also have essential knowledge of low and high-level languages like C++, C#, and JS to help work closely with programmers to develop tools and optimize our game's systems.

[ Level, Narrative, UI Art, and More ]

I enjoy taking time to learn every and all facets of design, and am currently taking classes to improve my level designs, UI/UX approaches and art form, and fundamental narrative integration (partially encouraged by my previous background as a published writer). My goal is to become a versatile designer who can help out at any stage in the pipeline, wherever I'm needed.

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